put\ aside

put\ aside
1. III
put aside smth. /smth. aside/
1) put aside a book (one's work, etc.) отложите [в сторону] книгу и т.д.; put aside your sewing and go for a walk отложи шитье и пойди прогуляйся
2) put aside money копить /откладывать/ деньги
3) put aside one's old clothes (old books, chipped crockery, etc.) выбрасывать старую одежду и т.д.
4) put aside one's difficulties закрывать глаза на трудности; put aside some good advice пропустить мимо ушей хороший совет, не послушаться хорошего совета; put aside smb.'s question отмахнуться от чьего-л. вопроса; put aside every other consideration отбрасывать все другие /прочие/ соображения; put aside one's pride отбрасывать свою гордость; put aside rivalry (argument, etc.) забыть о соперничестве и т.д.
2. IV
1) put aside smth. /smth. aside/ for some time you will have to put aside your studies for a little while вам придется ненадолго отложить /прекратить/ занятия
2) put aside smth. in some time they put aside a little money each week (each month, etc.) они еженедельно и т.д. откладывали небольшую сумму денег
3. VII
1) put aside smth. /smth. aside/ to do smth. put aside one's books to go for a walk отложить [в сторону] книги, чтобы [немного] пройтись
2) put aside smth. /smth. aside/ to do smth. put money aside to buy a car откладывать деньги на машину
4. XXI1
1) put aside smth. / smth. aside / for smth., smb. put aside one's books for other things забросить книги /перестать заниматься/ из-за других дел; I shall put aside this book for you я отложу для тебя эту книгу
2) put aside smth. /smth. aside / for smb. I shall put aside my duty for no man никто не заставит меня забыть свой долг; she put aside her pride for him ради него она забыла свою гордость

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "put\ aside" в других словарях:

  • put aside — index abandon (relinquish), defer (put off), eliminate (exclude), except (exclude), exclude …   Law dictionary

  • put aside — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms put aside : present tense I/you/we/they put aside he/she/it puts aside present participle putting aside past tense put aside past participle put aside 1) to not allow yourself to be affected by a problem,… …   English dictionary

  • put aside — verb 1. stop using the children were told to put away their toys the students put away their notebooks • Syn: ↑put away • Verb Frames: Somebody s something 2. turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily …   Useful english dictionary

  • put aside — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you put something aside, you keep it to be dealt with or used at a later time. [V n P] She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside... [V P n (not pron)] Encourage children to put aside some of their… …   English dictionary

  • put aside — 1) we ve got a bit put aside in the bank Syn: save, put by, set aside, deposit, reserve, store, stockpile, hoard, stow, cache; informal salt away, squirrel away, stash away 2) they put aside their differences Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • put aside — phr verb Put aside is used with these nouns as the object: ↑difference, ↑enmity, ↑prejudice …   Collocations dictionary

  • put away/put aside/put by — [v1/v] keep in reserve cache, deposit, keep, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in, put by, put out of the way, salt away*, save, set aside, squirrel away*, stockpile, store, store away*, stow away; concepts 129,134 Ant. spend, use up, waste …   New thesaurus

  • put aside (something) — 1. to decide not to deal with something. Let s put aside our differences and enjoy the evening. 2. to save something for later use, esp. money. We re putting aside $50 a week for our vacation. He puts some time aside each evening to read to his… …   New idioms dictionary

  • put aside — Synonyms and related words: abandon, adjourn, bolt, brush aside, brush off, carry away, carry off, cart away, conserve, continue, cordon, cordon off, cull out, defer, delay, delocalize, dislodge, dismiss, displace, divide, drag out, drop the… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • put aside — {v. phr.} 1. To save; put something aside for a special purpose. * /Peter puts $100 aside every week./ 2. To let go of; put away. * /The teacher to the students, Put your books aside and start writing your tests! / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put aside — {v. phr.} 1. To save; put something aside for a special purpose. * /Peter puts $100 aside every week./ 2. To let go of; put away. * /The teacher to the students, Put your books aside and start writing your tests! / …   Dictionary of American idioms

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